(Has As) Mentor Relationship With Ring, Thomas (Born 28 November 1892). Notes: She Was His Pupil, As Astrologer
(Has As) Mentor Relationship With Ring, Thomas (Born 28 November 1892). Notes: She Was His Pupil, As Astrologer
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Task Name | Action/Status |
Astrological Calculations & Analysis
Ready |
AI-ML Optimized Prediction & Refinement
Ready |
Marianne Calderara | Thomas Ring | |
Gender | Female | Male |
Weekday | Wednesday | Monday |
Date | 1926-12-08 | 1892-11-28 |
Time | 13:05:00 | 18:00:00 |
Daylight Saving | No | No |
City | Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland | Nuernberg, Bavaria, Germany |
Geo-location | 47ÂșN23'33.14", 8ÂșN2'39.19" | 49ÂșN27'15.16", 11ÂșN4'39.07" |
Timezone | Europe/Zurich | Europe/Berlin |
Marianne Calderara | Thomas Ring | |
City | Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland | Nuernberg, Bavaria, Germany |
Timezone | Europe/Zurich | Europe/Berlin |
Marianne Calderara | Thomas Ring | |
Time (Birth Timezone) | Dec. 08, 1926, 01:05:00 PM | Nov. 28, 1892, 05:53:28 PM |
Time (UTC) | Dec. 08, 1926, 12:05:00 PM | Nov. 28, 1892, 05:00:00 PM |
Time (LMT) | Dec. 08, 1926, 12:37:11 PM | Nov. 28, 1892, 05:44:19 PM |
Time (Julian) | 2424858.00347222 | 2412431.20833333 |
LMT Correction | 0.5364 Hrs | 0.7386 Hrs |
Ayanmsha | True Chitra - | True Chitra - |