This page predicts compatibility of Kajol & Ajay's Kundali through ancient Vedic astrology principles of Ashtkoota matching.

Index of Ashtkoota Matching

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Summary of Ashtkoota Matching

Find the background, summary, and conclusion of Ashtkoota matching along with other Kootas used in Vedic astrology.

What is AshtaKoota Matching?

The term 'Ashtakoot' is derived from two words: 'Ashta' and 'Koota'. It is a method used in Vedic astrology to evaluate the compatibility of a potential couple. Ashtakoot Milan assesses the compatibility of a bride and groom based on the analysis of eight aspects or kootas of their birth charts. Each factor is assigned specific points, and the cumulative score is considered the final score to assess their compatibility. The eight kootas are:

Kundali Matching is the process of matching horoscopes to ensure a happy married life. It involves assessing eight different factors, including caste, power equation, physique, sexual compatibility, mental compatibility, nature, prosperity, and health/genetics. Each factor is assigned points, and the cumulative score determines compatibility.


The Ashtkoota matching score is 7.5 points out of a maximum of 36 points. This score is classified as Low Compatiability for Kundali Matching.


Low Compatiability

The Ashtkoota score ranges between 0 to 12 points, and a score in this range is considered to indicate a low level of compatibility. Couples with such a score are likely to face numerous challenges and conflicts, which can make it difficult to maintain a stable and happy relationship. It's recommended to seek professional guidance and carefully consider the match before proceeding.


The decision to marry should not be based solely on the Ashtkoota score. There are numerous examples where a high Ashtkoota score has led to divorce, while a low score has resulted in a happy marriage. Ashtkoota matching is based only on the positions of the Moon in two Kundalis. It's important to consider all nine planets, twelve houses, and critical doshas like Mangal, Naadi, and Bhakoot before making a final decision about marriage.

The table below provides a detailed breakdown of each Koota under the AshtaKoota Matching.

Category Koota Score/Max
1. Varna /
2. Vashya /
3. Tara /
4. Yoni /
5. Graha Maitree /
6. Gana /
7. Bhakoot /
8. Nadi /
AshtaKoota - - /

Varna Koota

Understand the dynamics of social ranking of two personality in this Kundali Matching.

What is Varna Koota?

Varna Koota is a measure of social compatibility between partners. This factor is determined by using the zodiac sign of the Moon planet for each partner. Varna Koota is the first factor of the broader 'Ashtakoota' compatibility analysis and is assigned a weight of 1 out of 36.


Your Varna Koota score is 0 out of a maximum of 1 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered low for Varna Koota.

Your Varna Koota score is 0.0%.


1. Ideological differences and lack of harmony between the couple due to differing social and cultural backgrounds.

2. Increased likelihood of marital conflicts and an unhappy marriage, specially in social context or gatherings.


1. If the other 7 Kootas (factors) show strong compatibility, then even a low Varna Koota can still result in a harmonious and successful marriage. The overall Ashtakoot score is more important than any single factor.


Based on the Moon Sign of each individual, a Varna is assigned to the person. There are four varnas in Vedic astrology. Brahmins varnas are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Kshatriyas varnas Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Vaisyas varnas are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Sudras varnas are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

One point if the caste is the same, or the man is of a higher caste than the woman. The order of superiority follows the sequence Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras.

It is not best for a woman of a higher grade of development to marry a man of a lower grade. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable then masculine energy which is more fixed, if the woman's rasi is of a higher caste then the man's, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up more of the man's lower qualities, rather then for the man to pick up more of her higher qualities.

Vashya Koota

Measure the level of dominance and control in a relationship in this Kundali Matching.

What is Vashya Koota?

Vashya Koota is a factor used to measure the level of dominance and control in a relationship. This is determined by analyzing the zodiac and degree of the Moon's planet for each partner. Vashya Koota is the second factor of the broader 'Ashtakoota' compatibility analysis. It holds a weight of 2 out of 36 in the matching process.


Your Vashya Koota score is 2.0 out of a maximum of 2 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered high for Vashya Koota.

Your Vashya Koota score is 100.0%.


1. When the Vashya Koota score is high, it reflects a sense of mutual respect and attraction between the couple. This can contribute to a more harmonious and balanced relationship.

2. A high Vashya Koota score implies a strong magnetic pull and attraction between the partners, which can foster a deeper emotional and physical connection in the marriage.


1. There may be some cases where the Vashya Koota score is 0, but the horoscopes are still considered compatible if certain conditions are met, such as having friendly Moon sign Lords or compatibility in the Navamsha Chart.


Based on the Moon's Zodiac sign and degree, a Vashya is assigned to the person. There are five types of Vashya. Aries, Taurus, the 2nd half of Sagittarius and the 1st half of Capricorn are Chatushpada- quadrupeds. Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the 1st half of Sagittarius and Aquarius are Nara- human. Cancer, the 2nd half of Capricorn and Pisces are moving in water. Leo is Vanacara- moving in the wild. Scorpio is Kiita- insect.

Quadruped, Human, and Water Rasis (all Rasis, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the wild Rasi, Leo. Quadruped, Water, and Insect Rasis (all Rasis, except Leo) are Vasya to the Human Rasis (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius). Water Rasis (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food of the Human Rasis (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius). Quadruped Rasis (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn) are the food of the Wild Rasi (Leo).

The Vasya Rasi happily benefits the Rasi to which it is Vasya. The Vasya Rasi finds meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the Rasi it is Vasya. The Rasis that are food to a Rasi, do benefit the Rasi which they are food to, but don't do so as happily.

If the couple’s Rasis falls in the same group, Vasya is good, and 2 points are gained. If one of the couple’s Rasi is Vasya to the other, 1 point is gained. If one of the couple’s Rasis is Vasya to the other but is itself the food of the other, ½ points are gained. If neither of the couple's Rasis is Vasya to the other, then no points are gained.

Tara Koota

How mental compatibility and harmony between partners in the Kundali Matching

What is Tara Koota?

Tara Koota measures mental compatibility and harmony between partners in a relationship. It is calculated by considering each partner's Nakshatra of the Moon planet. Tara Koota is the third factor in the broader 'Ashtakoota' matching compatibility analysis. This Koota is assigned a weight of 3 out of 36.


Your Tara Koota score is 1.5 out of a maximum of 3 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered high for Tara Koota.

Your Tara Koota score is 50.0%.


1. In Vedic astrology, the Tara Koota score is essential for mental compatibility between bride and groom. A high score implies a robust mental bond and good mutual trust, which leads to a happy and successful marital life.

2. A high score in Tara Koota can positively affect marriage in terms of longevity and prosperity. This score represents the emotional compatibility between partners, leading to a greater sense of mutual understanding, empathy, and harmony.


1. If the Nakshatras are the same and in different rasis, the man's Nakshatra in one rasi and the woman's in the next, then Tara Koota prevails.

2. If both Nakshatras arein the same rasi and the man's precedes the woman's then Tara Koota is present.


Tara Koota is calculated by counting the bride's Nakshatra against the groom's Nakshatra, and the remainder is divided by 9 to get the answer points. The maximum point for a category is 3.

If the remainder is an even number, then the matching is considered auspicious, and 3 points are given. If the remainder is an odd number, then the matching is considered inauspicious, and 0 points are given. If only one remainder(either the bride's or groom's) is even, then 1.5 points are given.

Yoni Koota

Are you as couple more caring or competitive? Understand through this report.

What is Yoni Koota?

Yoni Koota is a parameter that helps to measure sexual compatibility between partners in a relationship. The calculation of Yoni Koota is based on the Nakshatra of the Moon planet of each partner. It is a part of the broader 'Ashtakoota' matching compatibility analysis and has a weight of 4 out of 36 assigned to it.


Your Yoni Koota score is 0.0 out of a maximum of 4 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered low for Yoni Koota.

Your Yoni Koota score is 0.0%.


1. A low score of Yoni Koota score suggests that the sexual characteristics of the couple are not well-aligned and may cause issues in their physical relationship and also indicates lack of physical intimacy.

2. Incompatible Yoni Kootas may signify potential conflicts and challenges in relationships, and they struggle to understand and fulfill each other's needs, leading to dissatisfaction and unhappiness in the relationship.


1. Even if the Yoni Koota score is low, indicating potential sexual incompatibility, the match may still be considered compatible if the Moon sign Lords of the bride and groom are friendly

2. If the bride and groom have the same Moon sign Lord, it can help mitigate the negative effects of a low Yoni Koota score and contribute to a more harmonious relationship.

3. If the Moon signs of the bride and groom are compatible or favorable in the Navamsha chart, it can offset the challenges posed by a low Yoni Koota score.


The following animals are represented by the various Nakshatras: Ashwini-male horse, Bharani-male elephant, Krittika-female sheep, Rohini-male snake, Mrigashira-female snake, Ardra-female dog, Punurvasu-female cat, Pushyami-male sheep, Aslesha- male cat, Magha-male rat, Purva Phalguni-female rat, Uttara Phalguni-male cow, Hasta-female buffalo, Chitra-female tiger, Swati- male buffalo, Vishaka-male tiger, Anuradha-female hare, Jyeshtha-male hare, Moola-male dog, Purva Ashada-male monkey, Uttara Ashada-male mongoose, Sravana-female monkey, Dhanishta-female lion, Shatabishak-female horse, Purva Bhadra Pada-male lion, Uttara Bhadra Pada-female cow, Revati-female elephant.

Marriage between the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points. Friendly Yonis gives 3 points. Neutral Yonis gives 2 points. Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point. Enemy Yonis gives 0 points.

It is best if one Nakshatra is male and the other female, particularly if it is the man's that is male and the woman's that is female. If both Nakshatras are male there may be friction and quarreling. If both are female there may be lack of initiative and inertia. However both being of the same sex is only a very slight blemish.

Graha Maitree Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Graha Maitree Koota?

The Graha Maitri Koota (Rashi Koota) is a parameter that measures the emotional compatibility between partners in a relationship. It is calculated based on the Zodiac of the Moon planet of each partner. This parameter is a part of the broader 'Ashtakoota' matching compatibility analysis and carries a weight of 5 out of 36.


Your Graha Maitree Koota score is 4 out of a maximum of 5 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered high for Graha_Maitree Koota.

Your Graha Maitree Koota score is 80.0%.


1. A high Graha-Maitree Koota score signifies a good match, leading to fewer differences of opinion between the partners. This fosters a harmonious and understanding relationship

2. Good emotional compatibility eases communication and understanding in the relationship, promoting acceptance, trust, and compassion between the partners.

3. A high Graha-Maitree Koota score is considered auspicious in Kundli matching as it indicates that the partners are on the same emotional level, enhancing overall marital compatibility.


1. When there is no friendship between the rasi lords, Graha Maitram should be checked between the planets owning the Navamsha occupied by the planets being compared. If friendship exists between the navamsa lords, then difficulties that may arise due to the planets being in inimical rasis in the Rasi will be reduced to an acceptable level, though no points are gained.


According to Vedic Astrology, each of the 12 Zodiac Signs is ruled by a planet. Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars, Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, Cancer is ruled by Moon, Leo is ruled by the Sun, Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter, and Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn.

Vedic Astrology also divides the natural relationships among the planets as friend, neutral, and enemy.

The Sun, for instance, considers the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter as friends, while Venus and Saturn are its enemies, with Mercury being neutral. The Moon has a friend in the Sun and Mercury, and no enemies, while remaining neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Mars befriends the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter, considers Mercury an enemy, and stays neutral towards Venus and Saturn. Mercury sees the Sun and Venus as friends, the Moon as an enemy, and is neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Jupiter finds friends in the Sun, Moon, and Mars, enemies in Mercury and Venus, and remains neutral to Saturn. Venus counts Mercury and Saturn as friends, views the Sun and Moon as enemies, and is neutral towards Mars and Jupiter. Lastly, Saturn sees Mercury and Venus as friends, considers the Sun, Moon, and Mars as enemies, and is neutral to Jupiter.

Gana Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Gana Koota?

The Gana Koota measures the temperament and communication compatibility between partners in a relationship. It is calculated based on the Zodiac and Nakshatra of the Moon planet of each partner. This parameter is a part of the broader 'Ashtakoota' matching compatibility analysis and carries a weight of 6 out of 36.


Your Gana Koota score is 0.0 out of a maximum of 6 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered low for Gana Koota.

Your Gana Koota score is 0.0%.


1. A low Gana Koota score indicates a mismatch in the spiritual development and temperament between the bride and groom.

2. The spiritual and temperamental incompatibility reflected in a low Gana Koota score can result in more frequent conflicts and a lack of harmony between the partners.

3. A low Gana Koota score is considered inauspicious and can make it difficult for the couple to achieve marital bliss and happiness in their relationship.


1. A woman with a Rakshasa Nakshatra pairing up with a Deva or Manusha man can work if Stree Deergha is present, though no points are earned, the stress and difficulties are reduced.

2. A woman with a Rakshasa Nakshatra pairing up with a Deva or Manusha man can work if the rasis are 2/12, 5/9 or 6/8 from each other, though no points are earned, the stress and difficulties are reduced.

3. A woman with a Rakshasa Nakshatra pairing up with a Deva or Manusha man can work if the lords of the rasis are the same or mutually friends, though no points are earned, the stress and difficulties are reduced.


Gana refers to the temperament or nature of individuals. Gana Koota analyzes the compatibility of the temperament or temperament group of the prospective bride and groom. Nakshatras belong either to Deva (divine), Manusha (human) or Rakshasa (demon) class.

Deva (Divine): Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Sravana, Revati. Deva Nakshatras are faithful, open, loyal, devoted, but may be superficial or conservative.

Manusha (Human): Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Purva Ashada, Uttara Ashada, Purva Bhadra Pada, Uttara Bhadra Pada. Manusha Nakshatras are changeful and lend towards progressiveness.

Rakshasa (Demon): Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishaka, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanishta, Shatabishak. Rakshasa Nakshatras are independent, eccentric, cruel and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.

If both the Ganas are the same then 6 points are given. If the woman is Deva Gana and the man is Manusha Gana then 3 points. If the woman is Deva Gana and the man is Rakshasa Gana then 1 point. If the woman is Manusha Gana and the man is Deva Gana then 5 points. If the woman is Manusha Gana and the man is Rakshasa Gana then 3 points. If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man is Deva or Manusha Gana then no points, quarreling will prevail and marriage will be unhappy.

Bhakoot Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Bhakoot Koota?

The Bhakoot Koota is a measure of the materialistic comfort between partners in a relationship. It is calculated based on the Zodiac of the Moon planet of each partner. This parameter is the second most significant factor in the broader 'Ashtakoota' matching compatibility analysis and carries a weight of 7 out of 36, making it the second most important factor.


Your Bhakoot Koota score is 0.0 out of a maximum of 7 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered low for Bhakoot Koota.

Your Bhakoot Koota score is 0.0%.


1. A low Bhakoot Koota score indicates a mismatch in the zodiac signs of the bride and groom, which can lead to potential challenges and issues in their marital life, such as financial troubles or health problems.

2. A low Bhakoot Koota score is considered an inauspicious sign in Kundli matching, as it suggests incompatibility in the fundamental astrological factors that contribute to a successful and harmonious marriage.


1. If Nadi Koota is okay and if the lords of the Janma Rasis, or Navamsas, of the couple are the same or friendly, the blemish of poor Bhakoot Koota is overcome.

2. If the Tara Koota and the Nadi Koota of the couple are favorable, the blemish of poor Bhakoot Koota is overcome.

3. If the Rasi of the woman is the Vasya of the man and if and the Nadis are okay, the blemish of poor Bhakoot Koota is overcome.


The Janma Rasis (Moon signs) of the man and woman should not be mutually in the 6th and 8th, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th, in which case seven points are gained.

If the Janma Rasis are mutually in the 6th and 8th, it is said to be the giver of loss, ruin, separation, quarreling and death. In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny. In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty. There will be happiness and prosperity if the Janma Rasis are in other places (1st, 7th, 3rd and 11th, or 4th and 10th).

Nadi Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Nadi Koota?

The Naadi Koota measures the health of children between two partners in a relationship. This parameter is calculated by studying the Nakshatra of the Moon planet for both partners. It is significant in the broader 'Ashtakoota' matching compatibility analysis and carries the highest weight of 8 out of 36.


Your Nadi Koota score is 0.0 out of a maximum of 8 in AshtKoot matching. This score is considered low for Nadi Koota.

Your Nadi Koota score is 0.0%.


1. A low Nadi Koota score can lead to health issues in the offspring. It is believed that couples with Nadi Dosha may face difficulties in having healthy children, who may be prone to ailments or genetic disorders.

2. A low nadi Koota score is often associated with temperament and personality incompatibility, leading to misunderstandings, frequent arguments, and disharmony in the marital relationship.

3. A low Nadi Koota may also contribute to financial challenges within the marriage, making it difficult for the couple to accumulate wealth and maintain financial stability.

4. Low Nadi Koota is believed to influence not only personal but also professional aspects of life. Couples with this dosha may experience obstacles and challenges in their respective careers, hindering overall success and prosperity


1. If the Nadi matching is not present based upon the Nakshatra it may be taken on the basis of the quarters of the Nakshatra. If in each quarter Nakshatra the Nadi is different, then it is acceptable and it is not disruptive to the relationship, though no points are earned.

2. The blemish of similar Nadi can be ignored if the Rasi and Rajju Koota prevail. In this case no points are given; it merely removes the difficulties.

3. The blemish of similar Nada can be ignored if the same planet is the lord of both rasis, or the lords of the rasis are mutually friends. In this case no points are given; it merely removes the difficulties.


Left/Windy/Aadi Nadis are Ashwini, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada. Middle/Fiery/Madhya Nadis are Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada. Right/Watery/Antya Nadis are Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Swati, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Sravana and Revati.

It is believed that if both partners have Aadi or Vat Nadi, there may be various kinds of ailments or sufferings. If both partners are in the second line Madhya or Pitta Nadi, it may indicate widowhood or death of the wife, while being in the Antya or Kapha Nadi may suggest trouble for the children. If the Nakshatras fall in different Nadis they earn 8 points.

Stree Deergha Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Stree Deergha Koota?

Stree Deergha Koota indicates a woman's marriage's longevity and auspiciousness. Its presence suggests the possibility of a long, prosperous, and fortunate married life for the bride. This is an optional Koota in Kundali Matching


Your Stree Deergha Koota is present in this Kundali Matching.


1. The presence of Stree-Deergha Koota signifies that the bride is likely to enjoy a fulfilling, harmonious, and blissful married life marked by longevity, prosperity, and good fortune.


1. Stree Deergha Koota is a very important for kundali matching, if it is not present then Bhakoot Koota will also not be present, but if there is an exception for Bhakoot Koota, then that exception also takes care of Stree Deergha.


The Nakshatra of the man should be at least 14 Nakshatra (sometime 9 Nakshatra is used) away from the woman. When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman's from the man's the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When there is less the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him them feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it's worse. The concept behind Stree Deergha is similar to Bhakoot Koota. This is a very important matching, if it is not present then Bhakoot Koota will also not be present, but if there is an exception for Bhakoot Koota, then that exception also takes care of Stree Deergha.

Mahendra Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Mahendra Koota?

Mahendra Koota signifies a strong friendship and affinity between partners, bolstering their bond, particularly in the face of other challenges. It also ensures longevity, well-being, and prosperity for the family through the continuation of lineage with children and grandchildren.


Your Mahendra Koota is absent in this Kundali Matching.


1. The absence of Mahendra Koota indicates a lack of positive energy in the couple's horoscopes, leading to financial instability and familial disharmony. It could mean that the couple may struggle to accumulate wealth, find it challenging to provide for their children, and may face difficulties in their children's lives.


1. This is an optional Koota, its presence indicates a special affnity in Kundali Matching. This can be ignored if overall compatiability score is significant.


According to Vedic astrology, for favorable Mahendra matching, the man's Nakshatra should ideally be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman's Nakshatra. While Mahendra does not directly contribute points to the match, it significantly enriches the overall relationship dynamics.

Rajju Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Rajju Koota?

Rajju Koota is an indicator of the husband's lifespan and the overall well-being of the marital union. Matching the Nakshatras correctly under Rajju Koota is believed to ensure a harmonious and prosperous married life.


Your Rajju Koota is absent in this Kundali Matching.


1. The absence of Rajju Koota in Kundali Matching can lead to potential issues related to the husband's longevity and the marriage's well-being. It also indicates challenges in the relationship's overall strength and sustainability, potentially affecting the longevity and success of the marriage.


1. If Bhakoot, Graha Maitra, Tara and Mahendra are present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these are present then Rajju will be only partially cancelled.


Rajju binds the couple to misfortunes and indicates serious difficulties that arise 'out of the blue.' Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts: Feet: Asvinni, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati. Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra Pada. Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Swati, Sravana, Shatabishak. Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva Bhadra Pada. Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide happiness and protection from 'widowhood'. If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering. If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty. If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children. If they both fall in the neck the wife will die. If they both fall in the head the husband will die. Rajju indicates serious difficulties the like of which most are unable to overcome. Rajju is like a whirlpool that sucks a couple down; the more they try to get out of a difficulty the deeper they usually sink.

If Rajju is in the navel, it signifies trouble with their creative efforts coming together. The ancient texts say, 'The children will die,' which means that their joint creations or projects may fail.

If Rajju is in the hips, it means 'there will always be poverty'. This indicates that their personal and relationship goals tend to remain unfulfilled. They can't support each other in achieving their goals, leading to little progress. Additionally, the couple may have different views on what is important.

If Rajju is in the feet, it means 'there will always be wandering'. This indicates that plans often fail, adjustments are hard to make, and despair usually follows.

If Rajju is in the head, it means 'the husband will die'. This generally causes difficulties for the husband in making firm decisions to guide and maintain the relationship. Male energy, which is more head-driven, typically has a greater ability to make and stick to decisions, even when it becomes challenging.

If Rajju is in the head, it means 'the husband will die'. This generally causes difficulties for the husband in making firm decisions to guide and maintain the relationship. Male energy, which is more head-driven, typically has a greater ability to make and stick to decisions, even when it becomes challenging.

If Rajju is in the neck, it means 'the wife will die'. This usually indicates a lack of ability to consider all available options, causing the wife to feel dissatisfied. This can make the husband falter, leading to problems in the relationship.

Vedha Koota

Understand the primary fundamental element in this Kundali Matching that affect emotions, actions and mental state

What is Vedha Koota?

Vedha Koota indicates possible conflicts arising due to the misalignment of a potential couple's birth stars or Nakshatras. When the alignment of Nakshatras is favourable, it can lead to a happy and prosperous married life. However, there is a Vedha between the birth stars. In that case, it can result in various issues, such as illnesses and mental problems during the marriage.


Your Vedha Koota is absent in this Kundali Matching.


1. The absence of Vedha Koota in Kundali Matching causes the misalignment of Nakshatras, leading to conflicts and differences between couples as some Nakshatras are inherently incompatible.


1. There is no exception to Vedha.


The following Nakshatras are mutually repelling and afflicting to each other: Asvinni & Jyeshtha, Punurvasu & Uttara Ashada, Uttara Phalguni & Purva Bhadra Pada, Bharani & Anuradha, Pushyami & Purva Ashada, Hasta & Shatabishak, Krittika & Vishaka, Aslesha & Moola, Rohini & Svati, Magha & Revati, Ardra & Sravana, Purva Phalguni & Uttara Bhadra Pada, Mrigashira & Dhanishta

According to Jataka Chandrika, if this affliction is present, it can destroy the couple despite other strong matches. This is considered the most serious flaw, without exceptions. Vedha between the Moons can cause several issues: the couple may struggle to commit due to constant obstacles, or they may inadvertently hinder each other. Alternatively, they might have excellent compatibility by other measures but never synchronize their availability to benefit each other. In observed cases, couples with this Moon affliction rarely succeed.