This page contains a summary of Dudley & Benedict's Kundali. It offers you daily predictions based on your hyper-personalized horoscope. You receive a quick update on your current dasha, a personality word cloud, and detailed information about your strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics based on AI/ML analysis.

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Final Decision


Favorable Findings

Unfavorable Findings



Decision Categories


Ashtkoota Matching

What is AshtaKoota Compatiability?


Your overall Ashtkoota Koota score is %.



The table below provides a detailed breakdown of each Koota under the AshtaKoota Matching.

Category Koota Score/Max
1. Varna /
2. Vashya /
3. Tara /
4. Yoni /
5. Graha Maitree /
6. Gana /
7. Bhakoot /
8. Nadi /
AshtaKoota - - /

Mangal Dosha Balance

Dosha Ratio


House Matching

What is House Matching?



The table below displays the matching scores for each house. Please refer to the individual house matching report to understand the impact.

House Lord Placement Relative Position Inside Planets Ashtakvarga Total Score Conclusion

Planet Matching

What is Planet Matching?



The table below displays the scores for each planet. Please refer to the individual planet report to understand the impact on Kundali Matching.

Planet House Rashi Dignity Conjuncts Shadbala Total Score Conclusion

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