Discover Robert Preston's personality through AI and Vedic astrology, exploring his Ayurvedic doshas, qualities, social archetypes, elemental traits, temperament, and energy balance.

Index of Personality Reports

Personality predictions using AI clustering and ancient Vedic astrological principles.
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Ayurodsha Report

Know the composition of Pitta, Vata, and Kapha, and their impact on your body.

Your Ayurdosha classification is of Kapha category.

Pitta Pitta 20.5%
Kapha Pitta 50.5%
Vaata Pitta 29.0%
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Physical Characteristics

You will probably have a standard and medium-sized skeleton frame with strong bone structure and build. Your weight may be stable or fluctuate a bit but most of the time you can naturally carry a few extra pounds. Your face is a mixture of the characteristic roundness of the cuff with the sharp features of the papa and the overall heart shape. Your eyes may be medium or large in size, bright and elegant, and your penis may be piercing and kind. Your skin may be relatively sweet, slightly oily, and have some reddish undertone. Your hair is soft and thick, it can be straight or wavy.


You have a pleasant character and are lovable. Your stable and well balanced approch towards life is distinctive feature in you. You are patient and understanding, therefore a good listener. You are good in remembering the minor details and said to have best retaliation power of what ever you have learned. You are regular at you work and follow your routine while staying positive in life which makes them an ideal managers. Your ability to hold onto things, pounds, and people, coupled with water retention, makes life difficult for them in many respects, but financially, this leads them to wealth and possessions.

Expected Disorders

You sometimes overaeat, feel lethargic,drowsiness, avoid exercises and therefore tend to gai weight. You can possibly have skin disorders like Urticaria, flaking etc. You may feel indigetion and weakness at times. You may feel like Phlegm adhered to the throat and coughing times.

Advised Healthtip

Avoid daytime sleep and exercise regularly. Manage to eat less and take light and ununctuous food.Intake of old wheat and honey as Mucous is unctuous, sweet and sluggish. So honey, which is astringent and has a scraping action, alleviates it (kapha). Deep massages with warm herbal oils is good for you.

Guna Report

Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Your Primary Guna is Rajasik and Secondary Guna is Sattwik.

Guna refers to qualities, virtues, properties, and merits. It provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics, tendencies, thoughts, emotions, and behaviours of all beings and things. These gunas influence our actions, dominant traits, and ways of behaving. Lord Krishna in the Bhagavadgita enlightens us on the qualities of Sattva, rajas, and tamas and how they impact human behaviour. The three attributes are Tamas (tendency toward lethargy and rigidity), Rajas (tendency toward ambition and activity) and Sattva (tendency toward selfless service), respectively.

Sattwik Pitta 31.0%
Rajasik Pitta 39.5%
Tamasik Pitta 29.5%
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Rajasik (Passionate, Energetic, Ambitious, full of desire, Competitive, Anger, Irritation, Worry, Restlessness, Courage, Determination)

Rajas is for fiery transmutation, passion, and attachment, symbolized by the colour Red. Rajas is full of passion and is born out of 'thrishna' (thirst or intense desire) and 'sanga' (attachment). It binds the soul through attachment with action.

  1. Nature: People with a Rajsik nature are often dynamic and competitive. They seek success and material wealth, often driven by desires and cravings. They may experience frequent mood swings.
  2. Effects on the Body: Rajsik energy can lead to restlessness, stress, and physical tension. It may result in a fast-paced lifestyle filled with ambition, which can have positive and negative effects on the body.
  3. To Reduce Rajas: avoid rajasic foods, over-exercising, overworking, loud music, excessive thinking, and consuming excessive material goods.


Sattwik (Pure, Serene, Compassionate, Selfless, Truthful, Harmonious, Love, Compassion, Empathy, Focus, Satisfaction, Calmness, Cheerfulness, Gratitude)

Sattva is pure intelligence with no polarity, symbolized by the colour white. Sattva is pure, without impurities, illuminating and free from sickness. It binds the soul through attachment to happiness and knowledge.

Temperament Report

Identify your dominant mental behavior and patterns in your surroundings

Your Temperament is primarily Fixed nature.

This report analyzes your mental temperament, taking into account planetary positions to identify your dominant temperament as Fixed, Floating, or Conflicting. Understanding your mental temperament can help you interact more effectively with others and make more informed decisions.

Floating Floating Temperament 26.0%
Fixed Fixed Temperament 50.5%
Conflicting Conflicting Temperament 23.5%
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Individuals with high fixed temperaments in astrology are known for their stability, determination, and persistence. They are associated with qualities such as:

  1. Stability and Determination: They are known for their unwavering determination and strong willpower. Once they set their minds on a goal, they are often resolute in achieving it.
  2. Resistance to Change: Such people can resist change and prefer stability and consistency in their lives. They might find it challenging to adapt to new situations quickly.
  3. Loyalty and Reliability: These people are often considered loyal, dependable, and steadfast in their relationships and commitments. They value loyalty both in themselves and in others.
  4. Strength and Endurance: They possess a strong sense of endurance and can weather challenges with resilience. They can persevere through difficult times.

Varna Report

Gain insight into the distribution of prime traits that drive your nature of profession and source of income.

Your Primary Varna is Sudras (Workers) and Secondary Varna is Brahmins (Scholars).

This report is derived from Kundali's planetary positions, conjunction and their aspect's strength. The meaning of this report should be considered symbolically, and it represents one's likelihood of choosing a profession based on dominant Varna. Every individual has a unique mix of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishay, and Shudra Varna; the dominance of one Varna over another influences the career profession of the individual. This report must not be confused with the discriminatory varna system based on one's caste.

Brahmin (Scholars) Pitta 24.0%
Kshatriyas (Warrior) Pitta 17.5%
Vaisyas (Traders) Pitta 9.5%
Sudras (Workers) Pitta 49.0%
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Sudras (Workers)

Individuals dominant with Shudra Varna can be associated with below fields -

  1. Service Industry: Jobs in the service industry, such as hospitality (waitstaff, housekeeping), customer service, healthcare support roles (nursing aides, caregivers), and certain aspects of retail, can involve service-oriented work.
  2. Skilled Trades and Labor: Professions related to skilled trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, electrician work, construction labor, and other manual labor-intensive jobs, could fall under this category.
  3. Manufacturing and Production: Roles in manufacturing and production lines, assembly work, and machine operation might involve manual labor and production-oriented tasks.
  4. Construction and Labor-Intensive Jobs: Jobs in construction, maintenance, and labor-intensive projects can also involve manual work.
  5. Agriculture and Farming: Jobs related to agriculture, farming, and agricultural laborers might involve physical work and maintenance of crops or livestock.

Brahmins (Scholars)

In contemporary society, professions aligned with the Brahmin varna's historical attributes encompass roles in academia (professors, researchers), religious leadership, spiritual counseling, philosophy, arts, and intellectual fields. Careers in education, teaching, research, spiritual guidance, philosophy, and creative arts resonate with Brahmin traits. Individuals in these roles contribute to knowledge dissemination, spiritual guidance, intellectual pursuits, and creative expression.

Shiva Shakti Report

Are you more caring or competitive? Understand through this report.

Feminine energy is dominant in your mind and body.

Shiva-Shakti (Ardhanarishvara) is a representation of the balance and harmony of masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energies in the universe. It signifies the fact that both of these energies exist within each one of us. This form of deity symbolizes the inseparable and complementary nature of these energies. In Hindu philosophical traditions, masculine and feminine energies represent qualities that are associated with masculinity and femininity in human beings. Astrology describes these energies in terms of polarities or qualities that are associated with different signs, elements, and planets. It's important to note that associations of masculine and feminine energies are symbolic and do not define specific traits based on gender. Everyone has a unique combination of these energies in their astrological chart. To be a complete human being, it is crucial to have a balance of masculine and feminine traits.

Shiva (Masculine) Pitta 28.6%
Shakti (Feminine) Pitta 71.4%
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Feminine energy is described as flowing and dynamic. Its movements cannot always be predicted or explained with a rational mind. This energy is not bound by social norms as it solely follows the guidance that comes from the heart. It is also associated with creativity, intuition, and empathy. They are great at taking care of themselves and their loved ones. They are creative, can think outside the box, and can make judgments outside the realm of rationality. They have good communication skills and prioritize feelings.

Overall, they are empathetic, intuitive, nurturing, creative, compassionate, adaptable, receptive, i.e. Embracing emotions without judgement, fluid, soft, open, supportive, understanding and devoted.

Element Report

Understand the distribution primary fundamental element that affect your emotions, actions and mental state

Your Primary Element is Earthy and Secondary Element is Watery.

The human body is believed to be made up of four fundamental elements according to ancient philosophies like Ayurveda. These elements are Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. They combine and interact within the body, influencing various physiological functions, health, and well-being.

Fire Pitta 20.0%
Earth Pitta 49.0%
Air Pitta 8.0%
Water Pitta 23.0%
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The dominance of the earthy elements in a Kundali can affect the personality or behaviour of the person in both positive and negative ways.

Positive Effects
  1. Reliability and Consistency: Earthy individuals are often dependable and consistent in their work habits, making them reliable team members.
  2. Practicality and Efficiency: They tend to be practical and solution-oriented, focusing on getting the job done efficiently without unnecessary complications.
  3. Stability and Dependability: Their grounded nature provides stability in the workplace, offering a calming influence during stressful situations.
  4. Attention to Detail: Earthy personalities often pay attention to detail, ensuring thoroughness in their work and reducing the chances of errors.
Negative Effects
  1. Resistance to Change: Their preference for stability might lead to resistance when faced with changes or new ideas, potentially hindering innovation.
  2. Rigidity: In some cases, their practical and grounded nature might result in rigidity, making it challenging for them to adapt to unconventional methods or approaches.
  3. Risk-Aversion: Earthy individuals might be more cautious and risk-averse, which could prevent them from taking calculated risks that could lead to innovation or growth.
  4. Difficulty in Delegating: Due to their preference for reliability, they might find it challenging to delegate tasks, taking on too much themselves and potentially becoming overwhelmed.


Individuals influenced by the water element exude empathy, intuition, and emotional depth. They possess fluidity in their thoughts and actions, adapting seamlessly to various situations. Their sensitivity enables them to connect deeply with others' feelings, fostering understanding and compassion. Water-aligned personalities exhibit creativity, often reflecting their imaginative and artistic inclinations. While displaying a calm exterior, they can also experience intense emotions, flowing between tranquility and powerful waves of sentiment. Their adaptable nature allows them to navigate life's ebbs and flows with grace, seeking harmony and balance. Their intuitive insights and nurturing demeanor create a tranquil, supportive presence that soothes and comforts those around them.