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This page provides Bhavabala calculations for Pat Schroeder's Kundali, using Vedic astrology to analyze the strength of each house and its influence on different areas of life.

Index of Bhavabala

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Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Bhavabala Ranking

House-1 to House-6
Hosue Bhavabala Rank
House-1 480.6 4
House-2 452.8 6
House-3 492.5 3
House-4 436.3 7
House-5 360.0 9
House-6 359.3 11
House-7 to House-12
Hosue Bhavabala Rank
House-7 473.9 5
House-8 507.9 2
House-9 359.6 10
House-10 297.4 12
House-11 381.8 8
House-12 538.7 1

Bhavabala Distribution

Hosue Adhipati Bala Dig Bala Drik Bala Bhavabala (Rupas)
House-1 381.3 60.0 106.4/-67.1 480.6 (8.0)
House-2 389.8 50.0 111.9/-99.0 452.8 (7.5)
House-3 480.1 20.0 0.0/-7.6 492.5 (8.2)
House-4 458.1 30.0 38.8/-90.6 436.3 (7.3)
House-5 360.0 10.0 59.5/-69.5 360.0 (6.0)
House-6 349.1 10.0 10.7/-10.5 359.3 (6.0)
House-7 441.5 30.0 146.8/-144.4 473.9 (7.9)
House-8 486.4 40.0 106.8/-125.3 507.9 (8.5)
House-9 405.3 50.0 72.2/-167.9 359.6 (6.0)
House-10 359.3 30.0 80.2/-172.1 297.4 (5.0)
House-11 399.5 10.0 10.2/-37.9 381.8 (6.4)
House-12 549.3 40.0 37.9/-88.5 538.7 (9.0)

1. Adhipati Bala

Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Whats is Adhipati Bala?

House-1 to House-6
Hosue Adhipati Bala
House-1 381.3
House-2 389.8
House-3 480.1
House-4 458.1
House-5 360.0
House-6 349.1
House-7 to House-12
Hosue Adhipati Bala
House-7 441.5
House-8 486.4
House-9 405.3
House-10 359.3
House-11 399.5
House-12 549.3

2. Dig Bala

Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Whats is Dig Bala?

House-1 to House-6
Hosue Dig Bala
House-1 60.0
House-2 50.0
House-3 20.0
House-4 30.0
House-5 10.0
House-6 10.0
House-7 to House-12
Hosue Dig Bala
House-7 30.0
House-8 40.0
House-9 50.0
House-10 30.0
House-11 10.0
House-12 40.0

3. Drik Bala

Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Whats is Dig Bala?

House-1 to House-6
Hosue Drik Bala (+/-)
House-1 106.4 / -67.1
House-2 111.9 / -99.0
House-3 0.0 / -7.6
House-4 38.8 / -90.6
House-5 59.5 / -69.5
House-6 10.7 / -10.5
House-7 to House-12
Hosue Drik Bala (+/-)
House-7 146.8 / -144.4
House-8 106.8 / -125.3
House-9 72.2 / -167.9
House-10 80.2 / -172.1
House-11 10.2 / -37.9
House-12 37.9 / -88.5