This page contains a summary of Max Delbrck's Kundali. It offers you daily predictions based on your hyper-personalized horoscope. You receive a quick update on your current dasha, a personality word cloud, and detailed information about your strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics based on AI/ML analysis.

Index of Rashi Dashas

Calculation of rashi dashas
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Char Dasha

Not applicable

In this kundali, Not applicable

Maha Dasha

S.No. Period Start End Duration
1 | 1 Sc Sep. 04, 1906 Sep. 04, 1915 9.0 Years
2 | 1 Li Sep. 04, 1915 Sep. 04, 1927 12.0 Years
3 | 1 Vi Sep. 04, 1927 Sep. 03, 1928 1.0 Years
4 | 1 Le Sep. 03, 1928 Sep. 03, 1940 12.0 Years
5 | 1 Cn Sep. 03, 1940 Sep. 03, 1944 4.0 Years
6 | 1 Ge Sep. 03, 1944 Sep. 04, 1946 2.0 Years
7 | 1 Ta Sep. 04, 1946 Sep. 04, 1951 5.0 Years
8 | 1 Ar Sep. 04, 1951 Sep. 04, 1955 4.0 Years
9 | 1 Pi Sep. 04, 1955 Sep. 03, 1964 9.0 Years
10 | 1 Aq Sep. 03, 1964 Sep. 03, 1976 12.0 Years
11 | 1 Cp Sep. 03, 1976 Sep. 04, 1987 11.0 Years
12 | 1 Sg Sep. 04, 1987 Sep. 03, 1993 6.0 Years
13 | 2 Sc Sep. 03, 1993 Sep. 03, 2002 9.0 Years

Antar Dasha

S.No. Period Start End Duration

Pratyantar Dasha

S.No. Period Start End Duration

Sookshmantar Dasha

S.No. Period Start End Duration