This page offers AI-powered marriage astrology insights for Jean Rousseau's Kundali, exploring relationship compatibility, timing of marriage, and marital potential through Vedic astrology.

Marriage Timing Prediction

Know when you will get married, prepared after detailed astrological analysis & deep learning techniques.

We studied 30 years since your birth date from Jan. 02, 1728 to Dec. 31, 1757. The total number of analyzed dates are 10957. Out of so many dates, we have rejected 9315 dates (85.0%) as your marriage dates due to unfavourable transit and dashas.


  1. In past, you had a very favorable time for marriage in 1745,1750,1737. In these year, planets influencing your marriage were forming favourable combinations.This means that either you got married in these years or you were very closer to getting married in case if you are not married.

Yearly Prediction

The below chart is a yearly bar chart. Any year where the bar value is more than zero indicates your marriage. It gives you information regarding the year having a favourable time of marriage.

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Monthly Prediction

The below chart shows the past years and months indicating favourable times for marriage. Any value more than zero indicates a favourable time for your marriage.

Past Years
Prediction for Year 1752
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Prediction for Year 1751
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Prediction for Year 1750
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Prediction for Year 1749
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Prediction for Year 1748
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Prediction for Year 1747
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Prediction for Year 1746
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Prediction for Year 1745
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Prediction for Year 1744
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Prediction for Year 1743
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Prediction for Year 1742
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Prediction for Year 1741
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Prediction for Year 1740
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Prediction for Year 1739
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Prediction for Year 1738
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Prediction for Year 1737
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Prediction for Year 1736
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Prediction for Year 1735
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Prediction for Year 1734
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Prediction for Year 1733
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