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Date | Aug. 13, 1930 |
Time | 4:30 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Yes |
City | Manchester |
Region | England |
Country | United Kingdom |
Geo-location | 53ºN28'51.42", 2ºW14'14.75" |
Timezone | Europe/London |
Date | Oct. 7, 1847 |
Time | 2 p.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Bonn |
Region | North Rhine-Westphalia |
Country | Germany |
Geo-location | 50ºN44'3.77", 7ºE5'43.76" |
Timezone | Europe/Berlin |
Date | April 5, 1921 |
Time | 3 p.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Corydon |
Region | Indiana |
Country | United States |
Geo-location | 38ºN12'43.24", 86ºW7'18.91" |
Timezone | America/Kentucky/Louisville |
Date | Jan. 4, 1881 |
Time | 5 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Duisburg |
Region | North Rhine-Westphalia |
Country | Germany |
Geo-location | 51ºN25'56.89", 6ºE45'54.58" |
Timezone | Europe/Berlin |
Date | Oct. 10, 1955 |
Time | 4:30 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Yarram |
Region | Victoria |
Country | Australia |
Geo-location | 38ºS33'53.24", 146ºE40'32.05" |
Timezone | Australia/Melbourne |
Date | May 27, 1931 |
Time | 10:53 p.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Dallas |
Region | Texas |
Country | United States |
Geo-location | 32ºN46'59.02", 96ºW48'24.01" |
Timezone | America/Chicago |
Date | June 20, 1928 |
Time | 12:01 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Yes |
City | Flatlands |
Region | New York |
Country | United States |
Geo-location | 40ºN37'16.39", 73ºW56'5.5" |
Timezone | America/New_York |
Date | Oct. 4, 1918 |
Time | 5 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Yes |
City | Rivalta di Torino |
Region | Piedmont |
Country | Italy |
Geo-location | 45ºN1'57.65", 7ºE31'13.51" |
Timezone | Europe/Rome |
Date | July 23, 1925 |
Time | 7:31 p.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Los Angeles |
Region | California |
Country | United States |
Geo-location | 34ºN3'8.03", 118ºW14'37.25" |
Timezone | America/Los_Angeles |
Date | July 13, 1950 |
Time | 10:30 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Winterthur |
Region | Zurich |
Country | Switzerland |
Geo-location | 47ºN30'20.3", 8ºE43'26.87" |
Timezone | Europe/Zurich |
Date | March 1, 1974 |
Time | 2:22 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Yes |
City | Burbank |
Region | California |
Country | United States |
Geo-location | 34ºN10'51.02", 118ºW18'32.29" |
Timezone | America/Los_Angeles |
Date | Dec. 31, 1912 |
Time | 11:30 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | Not Applicable |
City | Glasgow |
Region | Scotland |
Country | United Kingdom |
Geo-location | 55ºN51'54.54", 4ºW15'27.47" |
Timezone | Europe/London |