Welcome to Prince Michael's Kundali Profile page! This page is a hub for exploring the astrological reports, calculations, and different versions of Prince Michael's Kundali (if available). You can also discover associated life events, attributes, and Kundalis of other persons associated with Prince Michael.
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A grandson of King George V and Queen Mary, he is a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. He is also the first cousin once removed of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and a great-great grandson of Tsar Alexander II of Russia and his first wife, Empress Marie Alexandrovna. Prince Michael occasionally carries out royal duties representing the Queen at some functions in Commonwealth realms outside of the United Kingdom. Otherwise, he manages his own consultancy business and undertakes various commercial work around the world. He has also presented some television documentaries on the royal families of Europe. On 30 June 1978, Prince Michael was married, at a civil ceremony, at the Rathaus, Vienna, Austria, to Baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnitz, the only child of a Silesian nobleman and his Hungarian-born wife. Prince and Princess Michael of Kent have two children, both of whom remain in line to the throne because they are not Roman Catholics, having been brought up as members of the Church of England. Link to Wikipedia biography
S.No. | Event Type | Event Date | Event Description |
1 |
Marriage |
1978-06-30 |
Relationship : Marriage 30 June 1978 . |
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Gender | Male |
Weekday | Saturday |
Date | 1942-07-04 |
Time | 19:35:00 |
Daylight Saving | Yes |
City | Iver, England, United Kingdom |
Geo-location | 51ºN30'0.0", |
Timezone | Europe/London |
City | Iver, England, United Kingdom |
Timezone | Europe/London |
Time (Europe/London) | Jul. 04, 1942, 07:35:00 PM |
Time (UTC) | Jul. 04, 1942, 05:35:00 PM |
Time (LMT) | Jul. 04, 1942, 05:33:00 PM |
Time (Julian) | 2430545.23263889 |
LMT Correction | -0.0333 Hrs |
Ayanmsha | True Chitra - 23º2'24.28" |
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Scorpio | Pisces | Virgo
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