David Koresh
Birth Date: 1959-08-17
Birth Time: 08:49:00
Birth City: Houston, Texas, United States
Degree : 23º56'55.22"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 18º55'37.52"
Moon Sign
Pada : 3
Degree : 8º34'42.66"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Houston, Texas, United States
Degree : 23º56'55.22"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 18º55'37.52"
Moon Sign
Pada : 3
Degree : 8º34'42.66"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan

Welcome to David Koresh's Kundali Profile page! This page is a hub for exploring the astrological reports, calculations, and different versions of David Koresh's Kundali (if available). You can also discover associated life events, attributes, and Kundalis of other persons associated with David Koresh.

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Astrological Calculations & Analysis


AI-ML Optimized Prediction & Refinement


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1. Astrological Calculations & Analysis


2. AI-ML Optimized Prediction & Refinement


3. Tajika Astrological Calculation


4. Machine Learning Astrological Calculation


5. Test Mode Astrological Calculation


Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Psychological | Schizophrenia


Religion/Spirituality | Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Death | Suicide Misc. | Changed name


Sexuality | Extremes in quantity Sexuality | Child sex abuser Criminal Perpetrator | Civil/ Political Criminal Perpetrator | Homicide many at once


Religion | Cult leader


Famous | Criminal cases

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

American religious fanatic and psychopath. He was a high school dropout and rock musician before becoming the polygamist preacher of the Davidian Sect. He built his church on a simple message: "If the Bible is true, then I'm Christ." The son of a single mother, Vernon Howell grew up in the Dallas area, an indifferent student but an avid Bible reader who prayed for hours and memorized Scriptures. A member of the Seventh-day Adventists Church, he became an avid follower of an off-shoot of the church, the Davidians, a congregation headed by George Roden. Howell joined them in 1984 and defeated Roden in a power-struggle, becoming the undisputed leader and completing a transformation of the group from congregation to cult. In 1990 he changed his name legally to Koresh. His apocalyptic theology converged with secular survivalist, with its programs for hunkering down amid stockpiles of food and ammo to endure a nuclear holocaust or social collapse. Under his direction, the Sect of more than a hundred followers built an armed fortress near Waco, Texas in which to wait for the end of the world. The Waco settlement, over 78 acres of scrub pasture and woods, was consolidated into a compact fort the size of a city block. His followers were schooled in war drills, living on a strict vegetarian diet, with TV and festivities forbidden. Men and women lived separately in celibacy. The rules did not apply to Koresh himself, who had TV, beer, meat and air conditioning - plus the women of the compound. Two of the kids in the compound, perhaps more, were fathered by Koresh, and he had a sexual preference for young girls, some as young as 11 or 12. By 1991, he had established an outside residence in La Verne, CA where he had 18 "wives" housed, including one who was age 12. Federal and state cops were aware that he was stockpiling weapons and laid plans for a raid of the compound. The stalemate began on 2/28/93, 9:30 AM. As agents moved toward the fortress, a gun battle began. Four FBI agents and two cult members were killed during the day. Between March 1st and April 5th, 37 people, including 21 under the age of 18, left the fort. By Koresh's count, 96 were still inside. A siege was set up while Koresh awaited orders from God. On April 14th, he said the siege would end when he completed his manuscript on the seven seals of the biblical apocalypse. On the morning of Day 51, on 4/19/1993, the FBI closed in, throwing tear gas into the building. When the attack began, fires broke out in several locations and the wooden buildings quickly became an inferno. On the news, Janet Reno announced that the fires started about 11:45 AM and were started by cult members. Some 90 died, including 17 kids. Koresh's body was identified several days later, dead from a gunshot to the head. (Another person who died in the fire is James Loyal Riddle, Jr, born 4/18/1960. Two others in the hospital with severe burns are unnamed 52-year-old male born 2/24/1941, and a 20-year-old female born 4/24/1963.) Link to Wikipedia biography

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description



Death by Suicide 19 April 1993 at 12:00 midnight in Waco, TX (Gunshot to head, age 33) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Assault Perpetrator


Crime : Assault/ Battery Perpetration 19 April 1993 at 11:45 AM (FBI advancement, tear gas, fire and explosions) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Changed Name


Misc. : Changed Name 1990 (David Koresh)


Other Crime


Other Crime 28 February 1993 (Exchange of gunfire, four dead, 16 wounded) .

Calculations & Features

Calculation and analytics assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Male
Weekday Monday
Date 1959-08-17
Time 08:49:00
Daylight Saving No
City Houston, Texas, United States
Geo-location 29ºN45'47.81",
Timezone America/Chicago

Residence Details

City Houston, Texas, United States
Timezone America/Chicago


Time (America/Chicago) Aug. 17, 1959, 09:49:00 AM
Time (UTC) Aug. 17, 1959, 02:49:00 PM
Time (LMT) Aug. 17, 1959, 08:27:33 AM
Time (Julian) 2436798.11736111
LMT Correction -6.3575 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 23º16'29.9"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 29ºN45'47.81" Lon: 95ºS21'47.77"
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