Bruce Chatwin
Birth Date: 1940-05-13
Birth Time: 20:30:00
Birth City: Dronfield, England, United Kingdom
Degree : 22º51'47.7"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 16º11'41.4"
Moon Sign
Pada : 4
Degree : 26º36'9.57"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Dronfield, England, United Kingdom
Degree : 22º51'47.7"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 16º11'41.4"
Moon Sign
Pada : 4
Degree : 26º36'9.57"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan

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1. Astrological Calculations & Analysis


2. AI-ML Optimized Prediction & Refinement


3. Tajika Astrological Calculation


4. Machine Learning Astrological Calculation


5. Test Mode Astrological Calculation


Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Major Diseases | Aids


Sexuality | Bi-Sexual Sexuality | Gay


Art | Art critic Art | Fine art artist Art | Photography Business/Marketing | Sales Travel | Adventurer Writers | Columnist/ journalist Writers | Fiction


Body | Appearance gorgeous


Relationship | Marriage more than 15 Yrs Parenting | Kids none

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

British writer and traveler who won international acclaim for books which were based on his nomadic lifestyle. Chatwin’s writing was both thrilling and absorbing, carrying the reader with him to distant lands, and few writers were able to capture their readers’ imaginations as effortlessly as he did. Born into a middle-class family, his father was a solicitor in Birmingham and was often away, sailing with the Navy. Chatwin received his education at boarding school and at Marlborough. He went to work at Sotheby’s in 1958 as a porter and rapidly progressed within the company due to an almost uncanny ability to spot fakes. His first novel, "Rotting Fruits," was written while he worked there. In 1966, he abandoned his promising career with the auction firm, however, to begin studying archeology at the University of Edinburgh; he flunked out halfway through the course. From 1973-76, he was a traveling correspondent for "The Sunday Times," London, but once again he broke from a seemingly secure life, and set off on a trip to Patagonia. His book, "In Patagonia," chronicled these travels, winning awards in Britain and the United States. Chatwin wrote in a style devoid of flourish, with a keen eye for the small, seemingly irrelevant detail, and demonstrated the ability to capture a personality with his words. He kept notes throughout his travels, using moleskin notebooks, filling them with stories about the unusual people he met. He often mixed fact and fiction in his stories, and in his own life. A strikingly handsome man, openly gay, with piercing eyes and tousled, fair hair, Chatwin assiduously cultivated a public persona, and a friend once described him as "Both mad and a snob about objects." He not only treasured fine art, but wanted everything about him to be the best as much as possible. "The Songlines," 1987, was his most commercially successful work, and "Utz," 1988, was his last novel, although a collection of his essays titled "What Am I Doing Here?" was published after his death. When he was 25 years old, he married Elizabeth Chanler, a woman he knew from Sotheby’s. They had no children, assuming that he was sterile though he was never tested to be sure. After 15 years together, she asked for a separation; however, toward the end of his life, they resumed their relationship. In August 1986, dehydrated, anemic and weak, he was admitted to a clinic for tests, and on 9/05/1986, he was diagnosed HIV+. Always notoriously enigmatic, Chatwin went to great lengths to hide his disease from the public. Rumors had him suffering with various diseases such as malaria. He died of AIDS on 1/18/1989, 13:30 MET, at the state hospital in Nice, France.* An artist and photographer throughout his life, Chatwin’s own artwork was published posthumously in "Photographs and Notebooks," 1993. His photographs trapped the beauty found in everyday objects, and his stark shots of crumbling shacks and ramshackle buildings displayed his keen awareness of the decay inherent in life. (*Transit 7/1999 gives the date of death as 7/18/1989 in error. From the Nicholas Shakespeare bio, Chatwin died in "the state hospital" at Nice, France, 18 January 1989, at 1:30 P.M. MET.) Link to Wikipedia biography

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

New Career


Work : New Career 1958 (Sotheby's)


Fired/Laid off/Quit


Work : Fired/Laid off/Quit 1966 (Quit Sotheby's)


New Career


Work : New Career 1973 (Traveling correspondent, three years)




Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1987 (Book released)

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Great Publicity


Social : Great Publicity 1993 (Posthumous publication)

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Acute Illness


Health : Acute illness August 1986 (Entered clinic, poor health) .




Health : Medical diagnosis 5 September 1986 (Diagnosed HIV+) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description



Death by Disease 18 January 1989 (AIDS, age 48) .

Calculations & Features

Calculation and analytics assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Male
Weekday Monday
Date 1940-05-13
Time 20:30:00
Daylight Saving Yes
City Dronfield, England, United Kingdom
Geo-location 53ºN18'7.96",
Timezone Europe/London

Residence Details

City Dronfield, England, United Kingdom
Timezone Europe/London


Time (Europe/London) May. 13, 1940, 08:30:00 PM
Time (UTC) May. 13, 1940, 07:30:00 PM
Time (LMT) May. 13, 1940, 07:24:06 PM
Time (Julian) 2429763.3125
LMT Correction -0.0983 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 23º0'50.64"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 53ºN18'7.96" Lon: 1ºS28'30.25"
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